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All About Baloch Liberation Army Rebels Behind Train Hijacking In Pakistan

Separatist militant group the Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) claimed that they had taken hostages during an attack on a train carrying hundreds of people, including paramilitary troops, in southwestern Pakistan on Tuesday and threatened to kill them. The BLA is the strongest of a number of insurgent groups long operating in the area bordering Afghanistan and Iran, a mineral-rich region that is home to Beijing's investment in Gwadar deep water port and other projects. In what was previously a low-level insurgency, the militants have in recent months stepped up their activities using new tactics to inflict high death and injury tolls and target Pakistan's military. Here are facts about the group, which has also targeted Chinese interests. WHAT ARE THE BLA'S GOALS? The BLA seeks independence for Balochistan, a province located in Pakistan's southwest and bordering Afghanistan to the north and Iran to the west. It is the biggest of several ethnic insurgent groups that h...

How to Make Money Offline at home


How to make money offline at home


If you're looking for ways to make money online, the internet is a great place to start. There are many websites that offer legitimate ways to earn money online and there are also plenty of scams out there. Here are some of the best ways that people have found to make money offline at home:

Do a survey.

  • Find surveys.

  • How much you can earn: $1-3 per survey, depending on the company and its reputation in your area.

  • How long it takes: You can earn anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes per survey, depending on how fast you answer the questions.

  • What kind of people are best suited to this work? People who have a lot of patience because they'll need to wait for their answers before forwarding them along—and also because some of them will be difficult or confusing questions that require more thought than most people would give them credit for!

  • What kind of equipment do I need? Nothing special; just yourself (the phone) and an internet connection at home or nearby coffee shop/library/etc., which helps keep costs down since there won't be any recurring fees involved here like there would be if working remotely outside office hours through another company's website (like SurveyMonkey). If possible though try not spend too much money on things like tablets unless absolutely necessary - those kinds of purchases tend not only increase stress levels but also raise costs exponentially over time due primarily due lacklustre battery life compared with other types such as laptops which offer longer running times between charges when used correctly."

Get a bank account.

The first step to making money online at home is opening a bank account. This can be done either online or in person. If you're using the internet, it's easy to open an account with just about any bank (or credit union) if you have access to banking services through your phone or computer. Just fill out the application form on their website and wait for them to approve you before sending them your information. You'll need two pieces of identification: one photo ID with your name and date of birth, as well as another form of ID such as a driver's license or utility bill that has both yours and theirs' names on it.

Once approved, fill out an application for overdraft protection so that when things get tight during the month—say due to unexpected expenses like car repairs—you can still pay bills without having extra money sitting unused in checking accounts waiting around until next payday comes along!

Sell your stuff.

If you have an abundance of things, it's always good to sell them. You can do this by selling on eBay, Craigslist or Amazon. For example:

  • You may have a collection of old books that you no longer read but don't want to throw away. Instead of throwing them into a landfill somewhere, you could put them up for sale on eBay or Craigslist and make some extra money while disposing of your unwanted books at the same time!

  • Maybe there are some items in your home that aren't being used anymore but still look nice enough for display purposes (like those diamond earrings). They'd make great gifts for friends who just got married or are expecting babies!

  • And if you're an avid knitter who loves knitting hats with mittens sewn onto the brim—you know what I'm talking about—then why not try selling some tutorials online?

Work from home.

You can work from home, which means that you get to choose when and how much time you spend working. If this sounds appealing, there are plenty of ways to make money working from home.

If you're looking for a job in this field, consider these tips:

  • Know what skills are needed for the position. Do some research online or talk with someone who has recently found work in your field (or similar fields). This will give you an idea of what kind of qualifications are required before applying for jobs like these!

  • Find out if there's any sort of training available at schools nearby before applying directly through websites such as oDesk or Freelancer.* Ask friends if they know anyone else who might be able - especially those who've already had experience with similar positions."

Make deliveries.

  • Deliver for a company. If you have the time and stamina, delivering packages can make for good money. You'll need to get comfortable with driving long distances and working outside in cold or rainy weather, but it can be rewarding if you like interacting with customers and are able to keep track of inventory while making deliveries.

  • Deliver for yourself. If you want to earn some extra cash on the side while still maintaining your free time at home, consider becoming an independent contractor who delivers groceries or other items around town (or even country). This can be done either via app-based platforms like Uber Eats or Instacart—or by ordering from Amazon Flex (which is similar). You'll deliver food from local restaurants or grocery stores; then after completing each order, write down what products were delivered so that customers will know which items were picked up during their last visit!

Tutoring or teaching online.

This is the most obvious way to make money online. You can sign up for a platform like Udemy or Skillshare that offers courses on a wide range of topics, then start teaching them. Once you have built up some experience, consider opening your own business so that you can continue teaching while also earning extra income from other clients.

If you're looking for something more specific and tailored to what you know, there are also tutoring services where students pay by the hour in exchange for help with their homework or tests. These companies often use web-based software called “courses” which allow teachers/tutors (and parents) to assign questions, grade assignments and set homework rules through an interface designed specifically for this purpose—no need for printed workbooks anymore!

There are many ways that you can make money offline, in the comfort of your home.

There are many ways that you can make money offline, in the comfort of your home.[WIDTH]%27%2C%27height%27%3A%27[HEIGHT]%27%7D&cb=[CACHE_BUSTERS]&vastref=[PAGE_URL] You just need to be careful about what you do and who you do it with. Here are some tips for making money online:

  • Be careful of scams! Scammers will try to get your bank account details from you by promising a lot of money or offers like "free trial." Don't give out any information about yourself or your finances without knowing who they are first.

    If something sounds too good to be true, then it probably is!

  • Don't do anything illegal! It's not only illegal but also dangerous to break any laws while trying to earn money online because if they catch up with us later on this could land us into jail or worse - death! Illegal activities include drug trafficking (even though drug trafficking itself isn't technically illegal), selling weapons etc... These activities may seem beneficial at first but once someone gets caught doing them they will end up losing everything including their freedom which makes sense since these types of crimes don't tend towards rehabilitation since there aren't laws against them yet although eventually maybe someday soon we'll get rid off all these bad habits altogether then maybe even become better people than before?


If you are looking for ways to make money offline, then there are a lot of options available to you. You can sell your stuff or do a survey for example. You could also work from home and make deliveries or tutoring online. If all else fails, then there is always the option of working at a bank as an employee or even being hired as an independent contractor by one of these financial institutions
