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Andrew Tate’s Victims Speak Out For The First Time; Trump’s Team Warned For Pushing Romania | WATCH

Andrew Tate’s alleged victims break their silence, urging the U.S. not to interfere in his Romanian trial. Meanwhile, Trump’s team is warned for allegedly pressuring Romania over Tate’s case. What’s really happening? Watch now for the full story! from Times of India

BADAM KA SHARBAT RECEPIE | badam sake | sharbat | badam recepie | badam milk sake


Chef :  Ashwarya Arora

Cook Time  :  30 -45 Min

Recepie Type : Pure Veg

Difficulty Level for cook : Very Easy and simple


200 gms almonds soaked over night and peeled

10 green cardamoms crushed , cooked in water andc strained

2 table spoon almond essence

4 cup sugar

2 cup water

2 table spoon kewada essence

1/8 table spoon potassium meta bisupphate ( potasium salt of bisulfate anion)

How to make Badam Sharbat  recepie

Add a little water into the overnight soaked almonds and blend to afuine paste.

strain through a fine sieve or muslin cloth and mix more water to rhe left all almonds paste and blend and strain again

make aliquid up to 4-5 cup by mix little water and some milk

add sugar to the strained almonds liquids and cook on low heat

when it boiling and cook properly the keep skimming off  the scum as it cook

cook till then plate test 

after that mix into the cardamom sxtract , and the kewada essense through , after that strain through muslin cloth and cool

when it would be cool , after that mix pateasium in alittle quantity of the syrup first and then add to the whole 

after that store in clean airtight bottle, you may store it max one months 

after that you may serve it mix    in milk  with ice and serve it . 
