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Andrew Tate’s Victims Speak Out For The First Time; Trump’s Team Warned For Pushing Romania | WATCH

Andrew Tate’s alleged victims break their silence, urging the U.S. not to interfere in his Romanian trial. Meanwhile, Trump’s team is warned for allegedly pressuring Romania over Tate’s case. What’s really happening? Watch now for the full story! from Times of India

Beans Brooccili curry

Beans Brooccili curry


Beans freash : 250 Gms
Brooccili         : 100 Gms
Carrat              :1
Onion               :1
Capsicum        : 1
White winegar :1/2 Table spoon
Tamoto souce   : 1/2 Table spoon
Ajinomoto salt  : 1/2 Table spoon

How to cook

Choped fresh Beans

Chooed Brooccili in small pieces

Choped capsicum,carrats in small pieces

Choped onion

Now warm oil in the non sticky fry pen

After that fry previously choped onion till then golden browen

Now mix  choped beans, brooccili,capsicum,carrats and 1/2 Cup water cook till 5- 10 Minutes

Now fry till dry ,after that mix wineger ,tamoto,chili souce

Now Beans Brooccili curry is ready fir serve 
